COVID-19 has emerged as global pandemic affecting almost the entire globe. This has tested public health preparedness to the optimum level even in developed countries who are still struggling to deal with the situation. In India as on 08-04-2020 there were 5171 active cases of COVID-19. The COVID-19 has created fear and made us realize how bad this can turn out to be for the poorest, for those who will lose their livelihood, or those who wouldn’t know what to do to save themselves when the virus has reached someone close to them. It has also put additional strain on the already challenged healthcare system. Awareness programs on COVID-19 were conducted in all the adopted villages during lock down and Corona period to control the spread of pandemic disease in adopted villages. Through intensive visits about 500 villagers and migrant workers were provided mask and sanitizers. The method of immunity boosting were demonstrated among rural resident through medicinal kadha preparation, tulsi extract and yoga practices. Saplings of Giloe, Bramhi, Tulsi, Butch, Piper, stevia were also distributed free of costs to the villagers for kitchen gardening and for domestic uses. Migrant workers were also motivated for yoga and ayurvedic kadha. During this pandemic, our organization “SREECHAITANYA SEVASHRAM SANGHA PURBA PUTIARY” was told about the measures to avoid the epidemic and all kinds of steps were taken to spread awareness among the people and to wash hands from time to time, maintain social distancing among the people. Advised. Along with this, free distribution of dry ration, mask, hand sanitizer was done among the people.
Joygram Social Welfare Society is open to everyone, everywhere who believes in and would like to work for the realization of the ideals of the Society. Joining our organization is only a first step towards the change of society in the coming days.
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